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Showing posts from May, 2014

Fitspo Friday

I mentioned before I have some amazing cousins that are very inspiring.  I am always stunned at the things my family members can do. I am blessed with having a gigantic family filled with talented folks. There are teachers, lawyers, scientists, football players, body builders, baseball players,missionaries, moms,  dads, stepdads, artists, cheerleaders, marines, submariners, and chefs in my generation alone. Not many can boast the inspiration I can from their family tree. I know some of my cousins don't believe they are as valuable as others because they don't have a fancy title. Yet, they inspire me to have fun and to keep working. Some of my cousins will never be as capable as others. They inspire me to have acceptance, openness, and passion. I am so blessed to have each one in my life. I don't get to spend the time I want to with my family; A portion of that is because a lot of my down time is my sick time so I don't schedule things. I want to be healthier just for ...

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for my work. I am thankful for being physically well enough to work today. I am thankful for supportive friends and family. I am thankful for my niece and nephews. I am thankful for Sam. I am thankful for people that grow and change in positive ways that inspire me. I am thankful for updates about where people are. I am thankful for my moms I am thankful for possibilities. I am thankful for Taco Tuesday and the shows it entails. I am thankful for friends that get and appreciate even my most awkward fandoms. I am thankful for skipbo. I am thankful for night vale and Peter Dinklage. I am thankful for my brother's growing life. I am thankful for cute coworkers with nice voices. (For nice voices)

Mother's Day

I've disappeared for a few weeks (again).  It's because I was dealing with the real world consequences of being chronically ill and chronically poor. These are two things I link together so tightly I almost didn't put "and" in that sentence. I was being kept at a friend's house for a little over a week because I live alone and they were afraid I was going to die.  No one actually says that,  but the simple reality is that no one is saying, "Geeze you are kinda sick and gonna totes get better so please sleep on my couch." There were other reasons too; the simple life goes on when you're sick, birthdays and funerals. I haven't had hours at work which I'm thankful for because I couldn't conceivably go to work. I had a regular-person doctor's visit which turned into several "lets check if you have cancer" visits.  I don't. Yay for that. I removed one medication and added another. I'm having one medication taken aw...