My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I loved this book and know at least one little boy that will love it just as much. The drawings are beautiful and make scary things look adorable. The descriptions are brief yet apt for anyone that enjoys lovecraft. If you have little ones in a house filled with tabletop games or other Lovecraftian impacts, I can't encourage a book any more than this one.
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I don't normally add on to my reviews, but for this one, I have to. Board games are an important part of my life. I love to play table top games, cards, dice a little light role play, it is all amazing and fun. Table top games have been a part of many of the most important moments in my life. They were how I got to know (and later marry) my husband. I talked to my mom over skip bo the first time that I sex. My family played board games every holiday and birthday growing up. Playing games in a basement is how my dearest friends and I learned everything about each other.
Any good nerd knows that lovecraft is built into a lot of hardcore table top games. At one point or another, if you keep playing, Cthulu will be the monster under your game piece. If you have little ones around those games, either playing along, or (like I did as a child) lingering around the table watching the adults, those kids might want to know about those monsters. C is for Cthulu makes the monsters adorable, as well as gives the kids a little information about them.
We don't just live long and prosper, we breed the next generation of nerds. I can't say enough that this is a great book for alphabet learning and making scary things manageable. Also, when you pull a monster out of a bag, it will be great when your kids can tell you what they are faster than the game book.
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