As I work on starting a new healthy routine, I began by reading The Ayurvedic Self-Care Handbook by Sarah Kucera.
My self-care routine has been significantly lacking, and I want to start from a naturally derived path. I want something that makes sense for my life and my body. Often when I'm working on changing my patterns, I push too hard at first. The Ayurvedic Self-care Handbook gave great ways to adjust your routine without pushing yourself over an edge. It's a great place to start if you are looking for an Ayurvedic routine. The book is straight forward, provides a reasonable basis for each of the changes that it's asking for and it's got several steps to take. Each aspect of the book is positive and encouraging for anyone that wants to create a healthy lifestyle.
For me, the key to creating a healthy routine is to begin with tracking. I have my tracking board set up with all the things that make a positive lifestyle for me. As I track, I will get a great picture for where I have strengths and weaknesses. If there is anything missing for me to have a healthy lifestyle it will become apparent right away.
I'll be including some of the pieces of advice from the Ayurvedic Self care handbook in my changes.
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