I love the letter T right now. With some capitalization and said with a bit of sass that is represented in my mind by a black member of the LGBT. I just want to be out here serving up some T (like tea, but mostly truth) about some BIG T trauma (singular traumatic event such as a killing, natural disaster, car accident) created by huge stacks of small t trauma (events that when seen as a singular event do not usually lead to detrimental impacts such as emotional abuse, harassment, grief, non life threatening injuries, that when in groups and cause MORE detrimental effects than the big T).
There is a real life thing that I keep tweeting about, and will probably continue to tweet about, in which we, 'Mer-i-caNs, seem to keep expecting CHILDREN to solve the problems created by their grandparents (or some of their parents). The CHILDREN are seeing these problems (mass shootings, youth suicide, climate change) as life threatening (because they are) thus the children try to solve these problems. There are a few issues I take with this "movement":
- Everything that the kids are seeing and trying to stop are in fact Big T traumas.
- Every time one of these children stands up to solve a problem, they are faced with a series of small t traumas.
- We, the grown up Americans, are paying stupid amounts of our tax dollars to other grown up Americans to do things like stop mass shootings, take care of our children, prevent further damage to our environment.
- We, the grown up Americans, have scientists that have been screaming the things these children are saying.
- The way our society works is based on the idea that if I pay you to do a thing, and you don't do the thing, I don't continue to pay you and, in fact, you give my money back.
In summation, scientists can present the science to the congress people or senators who should then resolve the issues leading to the horrifying preventable Big T trauma that are mass shootings, youth suicide and damaging natural disasters that are caused by climate change. They should do this so that we don't re traumatize and create new small t traumas for children. Any member of the congress or the senate that is not working to make our American society be the best, should be fired.
I'm feeling really upset and triggered by this ongoing response of forcing children to do adult things because the people who should be doing those things are not. I don't ever want to see another teenager stand in front of the UN because congress people are not doing this shit. I love these kids, they are doing amazing work, but they aren't being paid to do this work. Other people ARE being paid to do this work.
This feeling was something I was really struggling with in The Non Obvious Guide to Emotional Intelligence by Kerry Goyette.
I received The Non Obvious Guide to Emotional Intelligence by Kerry Goyette from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This book told some amazing pop culture reference examples, trying and succeeding to get some buy in by introducing ways that emotional intelligence works in examples of familiar people. However, the other thing this book does extremely well is force a buzzword into an explanation that could be called "doing your job." It made me question at one point, how are none of these people already fired? Are their parents in charge of the company? Are we actually talking about members of congress? I felt that this book crammed vague references to scientific studies and an amazing buzz word into areas that didn't need them, and didn't help. In an overcrowded self-help for leadership market, go find a different book. If you are hired to do a job, you should actually complete the job.
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