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Fandom Magic

I happen to believe that fandom can make miracles happen.  It can create real life magic, like making a sad person happy or inspiring someone to make the change they want to see in the world.

I think that a character can show you how to cope with your trauma, addiction and pain. I think that an actor can inspire you to ask for help. A piece of music can release anger, bring peace and relax.  I think shows, music, books can teach, and create and inspire change.

My first fandom was Stephen King.  My dad told me to read a book that had a letter to a constant reader at the start of it.  I kept reading every Stephen King book I could get my hands on.  He inspires me to write, draw and enjoy my life when I'm struggling.

I watch almost every movie made from Stephen King books. Trust me, I know how bad those can be.

Shawshank Redeption is one of the best movies from a Stephen King book ever made. However, this book is not one of the best movie companions.

The Shawshank Redemption Revealed by Mark Dawidziak reads more as a history book than a movie companion.  A lot of the beginning of the book sounds like an argument for the book's existence, an argument that continues throughout though the reader clearly has interest.  There are some lovely stories and information about the movie that fans will love and enjoy.  However, this book feels like a long slow walk with a teacher educating you and is missing the story telling gifts so exemplified by it's inspiration.

My second fandom was Jane Austen. Even during periods when I was certain that I would be single forever, Jane gave me hope in the power of love. Not just in the love from a partner, but in sibling love and love that doesn't let you settle for less than you deserve.

The Particular Charm of Miss Jane Austen by Ada Bright & Cass Grafton is exactly the kind of book any janeite could love. This book is filled with romance, the love of self, and family and friends. The authors use real locations and history to create perfect fantasy. The book is perfectly paced, right when you are desperate for something amazing to happen, it does.  The authors create clearly motivated and enjoyable characters. The particular charm of this book creates an amazing read, I highly recommend.

*I received these books from NetGalley in exchange for a review.


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