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Thankful Thursday

  • I'm thankful for understanding and helpful coworkers.  The kind that say "Wait, how did you get here? You aren't getting on a bus. Go home and rest."
  • I'm thankful for the amazing Switzer family taking care of me when I need it most.  I'm so blessed to have my amazing Amber and Chris to help me out the last few days.  I would not have survived alone.
  • I'm thankful for my mom, sister and besties checking in on me.
  • I'm thankful for people that won't ever tell me that my health has scared them again.
  • I'm thankful for a bestie that can joke about how silly her text message sounded when I was at the ER.
  • I am thankful for Amber being able to joke about sitting at the ER while nurses are concerned I'm bleeding internally.
  • I'm thankful Amber can be mad about people checking in too many times.
  • I'm thankful for Chris trying to be calm while he's pissed off that I'm getting out of a chair. I'm thankful for the number of times that he has said "Then just keep sitting. What's the problem with that?" even though I can't process the number of problems I find with staying sitting for several days.
  • I'm thankful for medications arriving when I need them.
  • I'm thankful for a sister and roommate that have everything under control especially when nothing is under control.
  • I'm thankful for amazingly beautiful days in Seattle.
  • I'm thankful for Cupcake Royal.
  • I'm thankful for ER doctors being so much cooler and more rational than any other doctors.
  • I'm thankful for an OB that is funny.
  • I'm thankful for sweet nurses rubbing my ass. 
  • I'm thankful for amazing and funny EMTs that can save hundreds of dollars by walking me across the street.
  • I'm thankful for recliner chairs.
  • I'm thankful for corn bag pillow from my grandma (life saver).
  • I'm thankful for pads and sweatpants.  (Never in my life did I think I would be, but dear monkeys I am.)
  • I'm thankful for Australia's Next Top Model and the amazing, wonderful and insane guy I live with that I now got addicted to Australia's Next Top Model. (Shhhhhh.... don't tell him I told you.)
  • I'm thankful that my skin color is naturally a cute tan and not gray/purple.
  • I'm thankful for recognizing my limits and being a bitch about still wanting to do things.
  • I am thankful for a kindergartner that can comprehend I'm not well enough to play, be upset about it, and thank me for playing with him the day before.  I am not sure I recognize a moment in my life that was so simultaneously heart warming and impossibly saddening. 
  • I am thankful for every person on twitter and tumblr that uses #SickGirlProblems or any other associated hash tag.  When I'm sitting and crying, they can make me laugh and recognize I'm not alone. There is nothing better in this world
As every Thursday, I am thankful for the stunning people I have in my life near and far.  I choose to connect myself with people that can make me better. When I'm at my worst, they hold me up. I couldn't possibly ask for more than what they do.  I am glad to say I had an awful shitty week and I am still beyond blessed.  

Thank you.


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