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Books for a start.

One of the things that makes it really obvious that I am feeling well is books.  If I feel good, I read at least one book per week.  I was down the last week with a bad migraine. Because I’ve felt rather not well, I haven’t written reviews for any books recently. 
What follows is a batch of reviews because I’m behind.
The Last Blackstone Dragon by Alicia Montgomery: This was a decent book with one fatal flaw stopping it from being a great book.  The world was created well with a few specific changes from your average dragon fantasy.  The erotica was part of the story, not something that stood out as separate.  There are several time jumps in Blackstone dragon, and each one feels like you are lurched forward.  It truly interrupts the flow of the book.  Also, instead of character development, the growing and changing of a person’s opinions and feelings over time, we get time jumps that come with brief explanations of change.  I have no interest in continuing this series.

The Change by Teyla Branton: This is an enjoyable book.  There are amazing descriptions of the special powers.  Especially  the concept of emotion transfer is described beautifully.  The entire world and the rules of this world really drew me in.  I felt like I was there.  The one disappointing thing is that this book moves very quickly, taking away from backstory of the characters, and I felt it was too short.

Gifted by Liz Long: This was extremely enjoyable book.  I was drawn in from the beginning.  There is great action and erotica that helps to build the plot. Characters are developed though out the book making them very loveable.  Also, there is a slow but strong revelation of secrets that will keep you reading until the end.

Jackson by Alisa Woods:  This is a very exciting book.  Action and erotica keep the book moving.  Everything is exciting and fast, then it ends very suddenly.  I felt like I was moving along and completely hooked only to come to a very abrupt stop. 
Eternally bound by Brenda K. Davies: This was enjoyable book.  Probably the best thing about this book as a paranormal romance novel is that you know you are getting the fated couple trope from the title; there is no need to hope you will get something else. There are also strong characters that show purpose and change.  The erotica scenes are long and fit into the story.  There is also equally described bloody action that helps to build plot.
 Hopeless by Melissa Hagg: This is an intriguing book.  The characters are what create an amazing draw.  I really stuck with the book because there are secrets laid out from the very beginning and I was digging for the answers until the end.  There is amazing description of action that keeps the plot moving.   In the end I was left wanting more and excited to read the next book in the series.

To keep up with my reviews, follow me on Goodreads or Amazon.


  1. Paranormal Romance Recommendation: The Fever Series By Karen Marie Moning


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