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This week, I was surprise triggered (which is how most triggers work) by a book I read.  PTSD is strange like that, triggers come out of no where sometimes.  Innocuous things become terrifying.  One of my biggest triggers in the past had been wrapping paper. The sight, the sound, the feel of wrapping paper would leave me in a panic. Heart racing, legs unsteady, breath catching in my chest and thoughts flying through my mind like humming birds on fire. Just because of the sight of a little wrapping paper.

I'd been struggling with the wrapping paper this year, and had my husband open a gift for me at white elephant (the one gift I had wrapping on this year). The paper was the worst that it's been in years. With this in mind, it doesn't shock me that I'd have some extra triggers that I wasn't aware of ahead of time.  I was very unprepared for a children's book to send me into a panic.

Neil Gaiman's Fortunately the Milk is an entertaining book.  There is fast pacing, strong character building in a short time, and exciting story line.  I recommend it for anyone that loves Gaiman or is trying to convince a child to love Gaiman.

It took me a little while to finish it because of the panic, but it's a truly good book worth the read.

To reward myself, I began reading Gaiman's Trigger Warning.  This is a short story collect with a variety of tales.  Gaiman, provides a clear introduction that is, in and of it's self, a great read. The stories are so varied that it's hard to write one review.  Each story while extremely different, is also exactly what it was said to be. Once you comprehend the amazing introduction, you will enter the wod of wonder that is a perfectly described. I highly recommend.


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